Thursday, October 25, 2012

What to Do with a Flex Spending Account

Did you know you can achieve excellent vision and use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay for it?

It's true! Our laser vision correction procedures, such as LASIK, can be paid for by using an FSA. Stop using your FSA to pay for glasses, contacts, solutions, etc. Use it to pay for great vision this year and have the money next year to pay for your really important medical expenses.

Don't forget - most FSA's are "use it or lose it" which means if you don't use the money by the end of the year, it's gone!

To find out more, visit our website or give us a call today at 303-772-3300.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Your Eyesight

Omega-3 fatty acids are definitely a plus in your diet. They are known as a ‘good fat’ for your diet – one that protects the cell membrane and is reported to protect you from certain health issues. One of these health issues, as reported by NPR (National Public Radio), is age-related macular degeneration. 

Age-related macular degeneration
 generally occurs in older adults. This condition results in vision loss in the middle of your line of sight, due to retina damage. According to the article, “Women who ate fish, a prime source of omega-3s, at least once a week were less likely to get age-related macular degeneration compared with women who ate fish just once a month, a new study finds.”

While all of this information is interesting to look at, the article also points out that the study is not complete.

There are always studies being done on vitamins and minerals. It’s important to know what is fact and what is fiction. Doing your homework is essential in preventative medicines, but the most important thing is having a complete eye examination. You eyesight is like a fingerprint – it is unique to you, and what may work for 5 or 10 other people may not necessarily be the best thing for you. If you think you may have an eye disease or your family has history of eye diseases, you should schedule regular eye exams for the best way to keep on top of it.
If you would like to read the article, you can find it here.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

LASIK and Dry Eyes

Perhaps the most common side effect to LASIK is dry eyes after the procedure. Most of our patients experience a little dry eye after the procedure. This temporary issue can be relieved with eye drops and it will correct itself within a couple of weeks.

According to FDA trials, 20% of LASIK patients still experience dry eye even six months after LASIK. While this side effect may be annoying, it can be treated with punctual plugs or medications.

At Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado, most all of our patients are free of this irritation after one year. This is why the post-LASIK follow-up appointments are absolutely necessary. We take your vision very seriously and we want to make sure you can see clearly for years to come.

LASIK works by correcting the cornea of your eye. LASIK can have you seeing clearly for many, many years, depending upon what age you receive treatment. If you are not a good candidate for LASIK, there are other procedures that can be performed to correct your vision. Learn more about laser vision correction with Buckley Chang Eye Institute.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fears and Misconceptions of Vision Correction – Losing Your Vision

Glasses and contacts have their benefits – mainly helping people with refractive errors see clearly. Since the late 90’s, lasers have been used to correct these refractive errors in very safe and effective ways. Procedures such as LASIK and PRK have been providing patients with clear vision for over 15 years now. However, many people continue to put up with the inconveniences of glasses and contacts because they have fears or misconceptions about laser vision correction, like LASIK.

One of the most common fears of laser vision correction is losing vision as a result of the procedure. This fear comes from not understanding how your eye works and how specifically laser vision correction works. How LASIK Works
There are three main parts to the human eye: the cornea, the lens, and the retina. In normal vision, the cornea refracts (bends) light so it can be directed correctly through the lens and onto the retina. The retina works as a transmitter to transfer the message to your brain, where it processes the message to tell you what you are looking at. Refractive errors – nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism – are caused by the cornea being slightly misshapen. LASIK utilizes cool lasers to reshape the curve of the cornea so you can have normal, clear, vision.

Prior to surgery, our surgeons will map out your specific eyes and plan out exactly how to correct your vision. They will then program this plan into the laser, ensuring that the correct amount of your cornea is altered.

There are risks associated with laser vision correction, mainly dry eye. It is essential to ensure that you are an excellent candidate prior to receiving treatment, to give you the best results possible.

Officially there is no reported case of a patient losing their eyesight from LASIK. 
To find out more about LASIK, including risk information, see our website. To schedule a Free LASIK Consultation, give us a call today at 303-772-3300.